Multiple Gerbils....

Q:Do you have to have two gerbils together? Im not aloud to have more than one.

A:Yes, we have two gerbils who live together, for the simple reason those gerbils where bred together, raised together, and are both girls.... if they where not any one of those things it would not be a good idea to have them together. ;) Most gerbils are solitary animals, they can end up hurting each other if they live together, I guess that means we are lucky huh? Hope that helps!


Unknown said...

That's totally wrong! Gerbils are social creatures you must have them in at least pairs. If you keep them solitary they get depressed, sick more often, and are not as likely to live long healthy lives. It's best to have same sex couples in a cage however unless you want babies once a month. Try getting liter mates, or if you have to introduce each other using the split cage method.

Jolie said...

Question: Can you feed Gerbils a little bit of a dog treat as a snack or for something yummy to chew on?

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